We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

Outage alert icon

As of: 11:26 AM, 5/4/24

Company News and Events

Company News

We offer lots of ways for you to stay up to date on company news: by reading about legislative issues and our corporate news, or checking out our Connect newsletter. Check out the 2018 Year in Review.

Volunteer Grants & Matching Gifts

Did you know that by volunteering for (or donating to!) a qualified nonprofit, school or community group, all employees and retirees are eligible to earn Volunteer Grants and Matching Gifts from the Consumers Energy Foundation?

This Spring, we will launch our Volunteer Grant and Matching Gifts Programs through the CE Volunteer Portal. This online, self-serve platform will allow you to track and manage your volunteer hours and charitable donations to qualify for Volunteer Grants and Matching Gifts, as well as coordinate volunteer events with current employees and fellow retirees, all in one place!

To participate and learn more about these exciting updates please provide your preferred email address. Your email address will be used to create your account on the CE Volunteer Portal. You can do this by sending an email to Volunteers@cmsenergy.com.

As we transition to the new and improved online platform, we have paused our current grant-processing cycle and will be introducing some exciting updates this Spring. We kindly request that you hold all grant applications as those forms are now invalid and we will follow up with you in the coming weeks and months to help guide you through the new process.

Thank you for your generosity and patience as we implement these exciting changes. If you have any questions, please contact Corporate Giving via email at Volunteers@cmsenergy.com.

consumers energy history book

Keeping Our Promise to Michigan for 130 Years

In honor of our 130th anniversary, we published Building For the Future, a book that tells how we’ve met Michigan’s energy needs safely, while caring for the communities we serve and the environment we cherish.

Dedicated to generations of hard-working employees and their families, this book is a fitting reminder of our heritage of service as we lead the way into the future.