New Home Construction

New home buyers can save money by building homes designed to save energy and improve comfort while supporting a sustainable future.

Build an ENERGY STAR® Home and Get Long Term Savings

If you’re building a new home, work with one of our energy efficient builders to help you save energy long-term. Use our directory to find a preferred builder near you who can guide you through the process.

Find a Local Builder

If you don’t find your builder or have any questions, call us at 866-234-0445.


Benefits of Building an ENERGY STAR Home

Find out what makes ENERGY STAR certified homes different from the rest with proven quality, comfort, and value. 

Explore ENERGY STAR Benefits

Earn Federal Tax Credits

When you build an ENERGY STAR certified home, federal tax credits may be available for you. 

Learn About Tax Credits

What Makes ENERGY STAR Homes Special

Watch the video to see what makes ENERGY STAR homes so unique and why you’ll have peace of mind owning one. 

Need New Electric or Gas Service?

To set up a new service connection or upgrade your existing service call us at 800-477-5050 or see our Electric and Gas Service page for more information.

Are You a Builder?

Visit our builder page to see details on how you can earn rebates, savings and more. 

Other Ways to Save

Heating & Cooling Rebates

Upgrade to high efficiency heating and cooling and you could get hundreds of dollars in rebates – on top of the energy you’ll save. 

Insulation & Windows Rebates

Whether you are doing it yourself or hiring a contractor, we offer valuable rebates on ENERGY STAR windows, glass doors and insulation.

Shift Energy Use & Save

Earn rewards for participating in one of our summer Demand Response programs and shifting your energy use. Browse our programs and find one that’s right for you.